B1-My first post
Hi everyone,
This blog site as well as my web sites and message board are under construction and/or re-construction. I'm going to be sharing some of my past experiences and at the same time I'm also going to be sharing my present life experiences as I continue my journey into the vast unknown as I search for my true self, love, truth and the meaning of life.
I'm not going to begin this blog from the beginning of my journey but rather from about a year ago. To simplify and speed up matters, I'm going to cut and paste my journal entries from my message board to this site. Later, I'll delete those entries leaving a link to this site.
For those who what to know more, you can do so at about me or use this quick link to read a bit of where I'm coming from. I'll be transfering that site to saysame in the future, but for now there is this link. There is also a link to my manuscript my book.
The next series of posts will provide only a brief glimpse of my experieces as last year alone I wrote over 1200 pages, (long hand).
Well that's it for this post.
PS: My intent with these sites and future chat and voice features is to create a place to share real life expreiences as well as interacting with those who are drawn to a similiar path.
Was looking for info re panick attract and anxiety and stumbled over your site, which has landed me here. I have been booked into theropy but I don't know if I need to as I feel I'm getting better through my own changes that I am making to my life.
I have found that love, self confidence and a good friend which is what I have at the moment which seems to be working with me. To love someone is a start, you need to feel good about your self, and remembering there are others worse off. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks since I was a child but it's only been in the last few years that I have been able to understand what has been wrong with me and able to deal with it.
Thanks for some of your words of wisdom.
Hi John,
I would like to add a link to your pages from my blog but I am not sure which is the best page to have people start with. Would you please let me know?
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