
B15 - Time lag...More changes...Now caught up

'05 May 15
Hi everyone,

I didn't realize but its been over two months since I last posted to my journal. I'll try to briefly bring you up to speed, present day.

I left the place I was staying at in my last post on March 31. I've moved into another rooming house with 4 guys in the basement and another older (75 year old man) on my (main) floor and then there are 2 more upstairs.

I also started working for another handyman on March 2 and have been busy at that. I've made enough money to fixup my truck and to also buy myself a new laptop computer. Someone around the neighbnourhood has wireless internet and I'm able to conect to the net for free.

My son has also gotten me a "REAL" web site domain name http://saysame.com/ and a host and has also provided me with a lot of ideas and opportunities to expand. I tried other names but they were either taked or I could get a weird .yhd or whatever ad I wanted a .com address Then I got SAYS A ME and it felt right...as it can be used in a variety of ways.

I'm going to be transfering this journal site to my site on "BLOGGER" http://www.blogger.com/home and my comments will be posted both on my web site and on blogger and published on the net.

I haven't been writing in my "longhand" journal too much these past couple of months either but neither have I been actived like I have in the past... Sometimes I wonder what's going on? Have I dropped "off" my path? But then there are moments when I know I haven't and I feel I have been given this time for rebuilding and a re-grouping.

Well that's it's for now.

PS, I almost forgot to mention that I'm going to be on the move again. This time moving to the East coast of Canada.. This will be somtime in June...

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